🌊 whoami

Hi, I'm Oliver Gould. I live in California.

I build trustworthy software systems.

☁️ work

I am the co-founder and CTO of a company called Buoyant. Buoyant helps organizations make their software more secure and more reliable using the innovative open source service mesh, Linkerd.

Before that, I helped build and run a website called twitter.com. That's all dead now.

🌲 wares

What I'm working on:

  • linkerd2-proxy

    Where I've spent the majority of my time over the past few years. The Linkerd proxy is a high-performance, open source service mesh data plane written in Rust.

  • kubert

    Utilities for Kubernetes-oriented applications in Rust. We use this to write both CLIs and controllers in Linkerd.

  • tower-balance

    A generic request load balancer for Tokio. Used by Linkerd.

  • ver.ooo

    This website; an excuse to play with Typescript, SvelteKit, Tailwind CSS, and Cloudflare Pages.